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Christmas Slowdown - But, Not Much

 December 20, 2021

Writing–  My writing slowed down a little this week. Too much Christmas shopping and a couple of doctor appointments slow me down. Only a few over 2,000 words for the week. When I set goals, I wrote well over 300.000 words each year. Without goals, I write about half that. I still have not decided if I will set a word goal for 2022 or continue writing as I have been the past three or four years. We will see. 

I am doing heavy editing on my long-finished historical mystery/western. Trying to rework the second half – love the first half of the book.

As often happens, a new inspiration – yes, I started another book. Mostly notes and thoughts so far.


Reading– David Baldacci’s Memory Man. Off to a good start, and so far, it has kept me interested. Looks like a good one 


Weather– Cold and wind this week. A few days of blustery snow. All in all, typical December weather.

Quote of the day “Any word that doesn’t advance a story slows it down. Which is reason enough to avoid expletives. Contrary to popular misconception, the term ‘expletives’ refers to a whole class of empty words, not just gratuitous profanities. Most expletives simply fill out the syntax of sentences. The most common is ‘there are, ‘there is,’ ‘there was.’ ‘it is,’ ‘it was,’ and son on.” -  Jack Hart


Today’s Photos – All shot on my walks this week. 

Have a Merry Christmas, everyone! 

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