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A Beautiful Land

Tim's mother and siblings live in Alberta. We spent most of our time visiting, catching up on what's been happening in their lives.

But there were times for walks - like this one around the pond near Tim's mother's place. Autumn's presence was foreshadowed in the cool mornings and yellowing leaves.

Graceful poplars leaned against the sky. I loved listening to the swishing fluidity of wind playing in the branches. 

One day we visited Dry Island Buffalo Jump - a provincial park near Tim's sister's home. Here the native people used to stampede buffalo over the cliff to kill them, and then employed every part of the animal for their use.

The peace of the grassy cliff and the gray sky beyond belies its gory past.

High bush cranberries grow plentifully. We picked a big bowlful for Tim's sister to make into cranberry jelly. The berries looked easy to pick, but the thorns were fierce!

An abandoned barn in a field of wheat. Evocative of someone's hopes and dreams.

I found the prairie fascinating. It's so very different from the water, rocks and mountains of where I live. The vast openness of land and sky seeped into my heart as I absorbed the beauty of this land. Every region has its own beauty, unique from any other. I feel privileged to live in Canada. 

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