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"Undecided voters" are among the dumbest Americans

Love him or hate him, Barack Obama is in the news every hour of every day, and has been for the last six years.  And Mitt Romney is not exactly a shrinking violet, either, over the last 18 months or so of the 2012 presidential campaign.

So how is it that there is a single American out there anywhere who hasn't made up their minds about one or both of these guys?  They are on every media outlet spouting their message to the masses constantly.  These two guys are ubiquitous: like Chicken Man, "they're everywhere, they're everywhere."

And yet Dr. Frank Luntz seems to pack rooms and rooms full of these undecided morons.  Luntz asks these fools why they support one guy over the other and lately, these imbeciles are starting to break for Romney, and break for him in a big way.

Well duh, you idiots.  Nothing Obama has done over the last four years has worked out at all.  He is a complete and utter disaster and failure.  And you guys are just now figuring it out.

The irony of all of your awakening to the obvious, is that your vote will be the one that puts the right guy in office.  The United States of America will be put back on the right track courtesy of the vote of the truly dumbest voters: the undecideds. 

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