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Saying goodbye to 2015.......I am ready for the New Year are you?

Oh my 2015 you have been a challenge.  And I am very ready to see you depart so that a brand new year can start.  You have been a tough one, you have tried my patience, made me cry, made me laugh, caused me great sorrow and great stress.  But as I look back at you I have to realize that you caused me great joy, and great friendship, and you have made me realize that I am stronger than I thought I was.

So now that I have passed the tests, maybe not as eloquently or as fluidly as I could have, can we get onto a new year that has less stress and more peace?

I won't bore you with a whole year summary here, frankly I don't want to go back over it all but I do want to remember some of the more positive aspects.

The last two days have been a whirlwind of work and cleaning.  Christmas is all packed up and put away.  My house is clean, sheets are washed, laundry done so I can start the New Year with a clean slate.  I am a bit of a nutter about that and apparently get worse about it every year.  I don't want anything left over from a trying year to follow me into the New Year.

I had two favorite knits for the year, first is The Berry Edged Shawl I made way back in March.  And next is the Zick Zack Shawl I made for our dear friend who lost her husband in July.  This was a fun project as I re-purposed yarn to make it and it ended up far more beautiful than I had imagined.

My favorite crochet project of the year was the Jordan Sleeveless Pineapple Top, I made two of them, and although I have not worn them yet I love how they turned out.

All in total I made 27 projects with yarn this year, and used 14,830 yards of yarn, that is about 8 1/2 miles of yarn.  Not bad for an incredibly busy year that sometimes left me exhausted and ready to fall apart.

This boy of mine continues to amaze me.  He has learned to walk better with his canes, runs, jumps and, "flies" with his walker,  He is learning how to navigate his environment with one cane in physical therapy.  And at home he is learning how to undress and dress himself, can stand for 7-8 seconds all by himself, and lets not forget that big boy bike, we are getting better at it every day.

Way back in June, which feels like years ago, this gorgeous son of mine graduated from high school.  He is doing well in his college classes, and still likes living at home.

My wonderful sister Claudia made two visits to Florida, one was for fun and one was to say good-by to my Dad.  She has been my rock and my sounding board as I have navigated through dealing with his estate.  He has been gone 2 months and 2 days and we are ready to place his condo on the market, his medical bills are being settled, and every one that has needed to be contacted about his death has been.  Lots has been done in a short time.

My Dad's passing has hit me hard, much harder than I thought it would.  It was fast, I am thankful for that,  and that my sister could make it down here in time so we could deal with it together.  I am sure I could not have done it alone.  I was humbled to hold his hand and help him slip away, humbled and blessed to have had that experience.

While going through my parents papers and photos so many memories returned,  My sister and I laughed and laughed at hair styles, outfits and all that stuff that makes you giggle from long ago.  We also found photos I had never seen like the two above.  My Mom was a pistol, can you tell?   I have seen that look many, many times shot in my direction.  My Dad looked like a movie star!

Little Buddy helped us pull through the grief and get on with life, because that is what four year old's do the best.  They live in the moment and you better be right there with them.

My word for 2015 was Blessed.  While I am not sure I felt blessed even most of the time I know that I was.  I did not lose my home, or lose a loved one in senseless bombings or terrorism.  My family while having some health issues are relative healthy.  My sons are all moving forward with their lives, some slower that others, but they are finding their way.  I am lucky to have a family I love, and work that is fulfilling although exhausting.  And I am most certainly lucky to have this little place in the world where we can visit and continue our friendship.

Good by to 2015.  On to a brand New Year!

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