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After the work comes the rest.

I was up with the Lark this morning, it was the hospital run with W and I still had lots of things to do. I managed to walk Ben before we were covered with a blanket of rain and mist. Rufus said "thanks but no thanks" to his walk so I had an extra hour to use.

 Waste it on more housework? Don't be so silly. I got the coin quilt out and started sewing. I still had a little left to do when it was time to leave for Swansea.

We were quite late getting back and I had to have a quick sandwich and a cuppa before sewing again. Around 40 minutes later it was done, trimmed and borders on. Now I just have to get it layered and decide on the binding. It won't be quilted until I get the Janome back from its service.

Yes, of course I have loads of coins left but they will not be still for long, tomorrow will see the start of them being turned into another quilt top.

I decided to knit for a while, once I had cleared the decks and picked  all the bits off the carpet.

I settled down with a pair of socks, What a Surprise, and had a trip down memory lane. I watched a DVD, Ferry Cross the Mersey, starring Gerry and the Pacemakers with an appearance by Cilla Black. 
Yes it was a black and white quite awful film but at the time it was exciting. I enjoyed most of it and just ignored the worst parts.

Now the weather has brightened up so Rufus will get a walk soon.
Dinner will be something light and later than usual after such a late lunch. I may just throw a pan of soup together, it won't take long.
The bread maker is working away on a seeded wholemeal loaf, so  may cut into that or perhaps make a batch of Suffolk Rusks.

I missed knit and natter yesterday but the machine needed a service and when I rang up to book it in they asked me to bring it straight in. Result. I expected to have to wait a couple of weeks at least.

I will photograph the coin quilt once it has been basted, I have 2 to baste so tomorrow is fully booked, probably Friday as well.

Now it is time to get my walking gear on.

                      TTFN                                               Pam

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