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One Year On........

In this country on Tuesday 23rd March there will be a national day of reflection to mark the anniversary of our first lockdown for the thousands who have lost their lives during the Pandemic. It will include a minute's silence at noon followed by a bell toll. People are also being  encouraged to stand on their doorsteps at 8.00pm with torches and candles to signify a "beacon of rememberance".

The Pandemic has dealt a disproportionate blow to different sections of our society. Those who have been able to work from home or in an equally safe environment, are financially secure, live in a warm home and able to put food readily on their table have been very fortunate. Possibly inconvenienced, unable to travel, or visit family and friends etc. but essentially almost untouched by the virus itself.
Others, however, have spent this past year living in overcrowded, difficult conditions, struggling to make ends meet, whilst often burdened with the extra task of trying to homeschool their children. 
Many have been forced to risk their lives on a daily basis doing menial jobs in unsafe environments putting both themselves and their families at risk. Essential workers have been out there working daily on the frontline - doctors, nurses, paramedics, ambulance crews, and all of the many workers who have helped to put food on our tables, deliver our mail, and take away our garbage; We should remember too the many who as a result of the virus are suffering from the debilitating effects of "Long Convid" a condition which is still under investigation.
On March 23rd we should not only remember those who have tradgically died and their families, but all those who have helped to keep so many of us safe over the past year, and last but not least, the scientists who toiled away night and day to deliver us all a truly life-saving vaccine.
This global Pandemic has been and will continue to be a worldwide tragedy. Hopefully, with the help of herd immunity and the vaccine, a time will arrive when the virus will run out of people to infect. 
For those who have already received the vaccine it is a life saver, but there is no room for complacency.

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