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parley view parsnip. . . the weekend

Some photos from the weekend.
More photos of the Century Plant.
It has finally stopped growing at about 30 feet.
Now all the energy is putting out the blooms.



I tried to lighten up this photo so you could see the Gila Woodpecker better.
This plant is a magnate for every bird and is now filled with bees.
I just sit outside and watch the fun. 
 As you can see as the plant puts all it's energy into the stem and blooms.
And now the plant it's self slowly dies. It is so sad.
Thankfully in back you can see one of the baby plants left behind.
Here is Watson chasing the sun.
Moving sun
Goodness heavens, chasing the sun is sometimes hard work.


And as always just because I can here is your pretty 
to start the week.

 So happy Watson and thehamish have found a good place
nap when the sun has moved much to high.

blooming . . . parsnip
music. . . Make Up Your Mind,  Florence + The Machine.

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