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Random Musings

This will be my last post.............
.....on this ridiculously obnoxious and slow-moving,m Fred Flintstone craptop, er, laptop. Our computer will be home today, hopefully better than ever and this craptop will be relegated back to the closet where it stays in case of emergency.
I am thrilled. I spent a few minutes on the phone with Carlos yesterday ranting about this thing, and going all Mario Cantone/Bette Davis on him:
"It's. A piece. Of. Crap."
And it is, but, well, i guess that, without it, I might not have been blogging at all this week, so......
Yeah, it's still a piece of crap.

I've been watching HGTV Design Star: All Stars, aka We Don't Have Any New Programming. I've only been watching because of Dan Vickery and Tom Vecchione. Dan was asked to pack his swatches and go home this week, so that made me mad. But then there was Tom in a nice pair of jeans and a tight sweater, and there he was again all suited up, so, all is good.
I'm shallow like that.

Joe Biden said the R/R's would "unchain" Wall Street and pout us all--the Middle Class--back in chains, and the GOP went nuts. See post from earlier today. But then Meghan McCain weighed in, too, and while I usually like her, this time she worked my last nerve. She called Joe Biden a "crazy grampa" and, well, I think Meghan ought to take a look at her family and spot the Crazy Grampa there before she goes name-calling.

In  Missouri, voters have approved of something they are calling "Right To Pray" because, you know, prayer is not allowed in this country. Or at least that's what the people of Missouri think, which makes me wanna pray that they get a chance to see the Wizard about a brain.
But I digress.
Part of this new "law" will allow students to refuse to be taught evolution.
I see Missouri's future and it doesn't evolve at all.

I love this.
A music group called the Silversun Pickups have issued a cease-and-desist order to the Mittsy campaign, asking them, well, ordering them, to stop using their song "Panic Switch" at Mittsy events. 
Their statement read, in part, "We don't like people going behind our backs, using our music without asking, and we don't like the Romney campaign."
Mittsy's spokesbot, of course, immediately responded that using the song was just an accident.
Sheesh, is everyone involved ion that campaign an unrepentant liar?

Kelsey Grammer is moaning that he didn't get an Emmy nomination for his roll on the Starz channel's "Boss" TV show. And he says it's because Emmy voters don't like the fact that he's a Republican.
I think maybe they don't know that Grammer has a new show. Starz? Really? Or, maybe, they just don't think as highly of Kelsey Grammer as Kelsey Grammer does.

Last week, when I was flying from Seattle to Charlotte, I got my usual window seat. I rarely get up from my seat while flying so I don't bother folks by climbing over them, and I hate having people climb over me, so a window seat is the best option. Plus, I can lay my head against the wall and take a nice long nap.
When my row-mates arrived I was looking out the window and heard this very, very rural accent saying to me, "Hi! We're in here, too. I hope ya don't mind a couple of fat people sitting next to you."
And because I inevitably pick the wrong thing to say, I answered, "I'm just glad I got a seat."
I know! Socially inept much?
But this woman began telling me all about her life in the hills of West Virginia, and her church, and her husband's stroke, and how they both wear hearing aids and doesn't that young girl look just like their granddaughter and how they're staying the night in Charlotte because it's a four-hour drive back to Butcher Holler and they didn't want to bother asking anyone from church to drive them to and from the airport and the Days Inn has a lovely Continental breakfast every morning and.....
You get the picture.
So, when she finally turned the  conversation from her to me, I was ready to snap. And when she asked what my wife did for a living I was ready to tell her all about my "wife."
"Well," I began, "HE just started a job at a counseling center that works with alcoholics and drug addicts and he works with the Hispanic community in our country as an HIV educator and an HIV/AIDS counselor."
And she looked at me and said, "Well that sound fascinating. How does he like it?"
I really need to stop judging a book by it's cover.
And it's accent.

What's on YOUR MIND?

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