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Tilda +Tea = Inspiration!

There I go ... doing math again! And anyone who knows me knows I'm actually not very good with numbers! Tee! Hee! Hee! But in this case ... it worked ... sort of!! :0)

When I got home from work today, I was determined that I would tackle something on my VERY long "To Do" list. But ... I just didn't seem to be able to settle down to actually ACHIEVE anything. SIGH!! Do you have those days? You know you SHOULD knuckle down and get stitching, but your mojo seems to have jetlag??? So I did what any self-respecting stitcher would do ... gave up ... put the kettle on ... and dragged out my Tilda books in search of some inspiration and looked at pretty pictures!! :0)

This is how I spent a happy couple of hours ... ensconced in my sewing room with a pretty cup of tea and some pretty pictures ... with a little companion looking over my shoulder! :0) It was just what I needed to get the creative juices flowing again. Not that I actually got anything STITCHED ... but I DID jot down some notes, scribbled a few rough sketches and am now looking forward to a productive weekend, cos I can feel my mojo catching up with me! :0)

After chatting with Marion yesterday at my Home-Away-From-Home, I've also decided to treat myself to some MORE inspiration next month. I'm going to join in the fun of ...

On Saturday and Sunday March 10 and 11. This is the first of Marion's exciting special events for the year and I am SOOOOOO looking forward to it!!! :0) The GSI is all about busy gals SPOILING themselves a little ... and being spoilt! :0) There will be a beautifully decorated marquee set up on the Village Green, with goody bags full of all sorts of wonderful treats ... PLUS ... some brand-new-not-yet-released projects designed by this year's guest designers, Debbie Magee of "Always Stitchin'" and Nikki Tervo of "Nikki Tervo Designs/Brandy Gully". WOO! HOO! I LOOOOOOOVE Debbie's dollies and have already made several from her pattern range and I have been know to stand for AGES at craft shows drooling over Nikki's GORGEOUS ceramic buttons. Did I happen to mention that I love buttons?! Tee! Hee! Hee! Your goody bag will include the fabric kit and transferred stitchery design to start stitching one of the exciting new projects, along with the patterns for all of the new patterns created specially for Girls Stitch In. Add to that DELICIOUS morning and afternoon teas and a SUMPTUOUS fresh lunch and you really can't go wrong!!

The Stitch in is held for two days and you can spoil yourself completely by attending both days ... in which case you get TWO kits for brand new designs ... or you can just treat yourself to one day ... and spend the rest of your play money on fabric from Marion's HUGE range! Tee! Hee! Hee! Can you guess which option I'm leaning towards?!?! :0) The cost for each day is just $130 ... but be QUICK!! Marion told me yesterday that places are starting to fill quickly and you do NOT want to miss out! :0) Pop over to the Quilters' Angel web site HERE for further info or give them a call to book your seat. If you ask nicely, maybe Marion will let you sit up the back with me ... at the NAUGHTY TABLE! Tee! Hee! Hee! Cos you KNOW that's where I'm likely to end up ... especially after this happened last year ...

Here's Sue Daley and Marion bopping away to the live music that was our lunch time entertainment ... that gap in the middle ... well ... that's where I was bopping before I ducked away to take the photo! Tee! Hee! Hee! There's all sorts of surprises in store, plus give aways, prizes ... well ... I can't give away ALL the secrets, can I!! :0) But some people do stitch too ...

See!! And you can also see the gorgeous silk draped lining that made the marquee feel like something out of the Arabian Nights ... and when you have silk drapes, you really MUST have candelabras, darling!!! :0) Guaranteed to not only give you a special treat outing, you can bet Girls Stitch In will rev up your sewing mojo!!! :0) So book in quick and mark March 10 and 11 on your calendar ... I have!! :0)

OH!! I'm feeling inspired already ... so inspired that I think I'll go make myself another cup of tea and plan what I'll take for "Show and Tell" ! Tee! Hee! Hee! Hope you're having a good week where your mojo doesn't have jetlag! :0)

OH ... almost forgot ... OPAM sign up is now CLOSED!!! Sweet Peg and I will take the next few days to finalise everything and finish sending out the welcome letters. If you have signed up but not yet received a welcome email, please drop Sweet Peg or me an email or leave a comment on our blogs ... our "In" boxes have been such a busy place in the last couple of weeks that your email might have fallen through the rabbit hole somewhere. :0) We'll both also be adding the full list of OPAMers to our sidebars in the next little while so you can all start hopping around to visit each other and admire each others' finished projects, so once we do, just check that your name is on the list and that we have the right link to your blog so people can come and visit you. Thanks to the gals who've emailed their January finishes through to us ... they're being added to the spreadsheet as they come in, but as we did last year, Sweet Peg and I will do a combined double prize draw at the end of February for both January AND February finishes ... so this is your little bit of leeway and time to catch up and time for us to finalise the spreadsheet and get set up for the year! :0) If any OPAMers have questions, please feel free to email Sweet Peg or I at any time ... we're only too happy to chat! Tee! Hee! Hee!

The kettle is calling my name ... Til next time ...


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