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The Riddle of Plastic...

So, earlier today, when I should have been sitting at the computer actually doing some work, my ass hoofed it down to my local comic book shop down in Pike Place Market, right here in scenic Seattle, Washington. I thought I'd pick up some of the new Dungeons & Dragons Against the Giants miniatures, which I did, but what really honked my horn was stumbling across one of the new Conan action figures based on the first movie. I've been drooling over these bad boys ever since I heard they were coming out, so I didn't waist any time and knocked over four little kids, kicked and old blind lady and stabbed her seeing eye dog with a Lord of the Rings Collector's Edition Sword of Aragorn Replica just to get to the register.

Check it out...



I only picked up the Warpaint Conan figure and will go back and get the Pitfighter version next week or something. Oh, by the way, I'm not one of those keep-my-toys-all-mint-condition-and-in-their-packaging. No, I crack those blister packs open faster than a monkey with a peanut. And these beauties have no less than, count 'em,
three whole points of articulation!



Now seriously, I ask you, how many action figures in the past have come with severed pea-soup covered heads? Yeah, that's how Conan rolls, yo...



And I'll leave you with a parting shot of ol' "crazy eyes" Arnold...


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