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What happens when you open a Door

There comes a time when you steal from a Goblin Punch post where you find you need to add more information. The following is a d30 table: what happens when you open a Door?

What happens when you open a Door?

1 The Door is stable, thank god.

2 The Door cannibalizes itself as soon as it is entered, violently dismembering the first occupant.

3 The Door works, but the passage is long, and hands and eyes reach from the dimension-skin walls...

4 The Door spits out 3d6 tiny tumor-hounds. They seek to spread their cancerous bite they give with their toothless mouths.

5 The Door spits out a Temporal Juggernaut, made of the shifting and flickering corpses of a million corpses from a million deaths.

6 The Door vomits out hundreds of gallons of blood. 60% chance it is infected with some space-time disease.

Space-Time Diseases:

1 Chronon Fever. You can see the past and possible futures of anything you look at, but no one has survived Chronon Fever for more than 3 days.

2 Temporal Cancer. Your timeline is being attacked, from the end to the beginning. Your natural lifespan is quartered, and you are vulnerable to temporal attacks.

    3 The Flickers. Every day, roll a d6.

        1 You stay the same size all day.

        2 You stay double your height and weight the whole day.

3 Every hour, roll a d4.

    1 Normal height and weight.

    2 Half size.

    3 Full size.

    4 Undulating every minute: full size, normal, half, normal, repeat

4 You stay half your height and weight the whole day.

5 You become incorporeal. Any time you interact with something physical, roll CHA. If you fail, your atoms are scattered to the corners of the universe.

6 You flicker in and out of reality. Do you fight it, or embrace this power and its respective risks?

4 Mindsrot. Your memories are degrading, because your timeline is collapsing. Every time you use a skill or recall something, roll a d6. On a 1, you’ve permanently forgotten it. Once all your skills are gone, you’re a blubbering amnesiac, and in 2d10 days you will vanish, no one remembering you ever existed.

5 Quarry’s Curse. You have incensed some power far beyond, in the depths of the cosmos. You have a month before it gets to you, and your destruction, as well as the murder of all those you love, is near inevitable.

    6 Roll d3 times, combining the results into a terrible ailment. This result can stack.

7 The Door fizzles immediately into a harmless shower of sparks.

8 The Door takes you to a random place in the multiverse (or somewhere beyond).

50% chance you roll for a random plane, 50% chance it takes you outside of the known multiverse to somewhere terribly strange.

9 The Door leads you to a place somewhere else in time.


    1 The formation of the cosmos

    2 Distant past

    3 Near past

    4 Near future

    5 Far future

    6 Ragnarok

10 The Door opens to a random location on Prima Materia. Roll again.

11 The Door immediately drives the nearest person mad, filling them with existential bloodlust.

12 The Door vomits out a traveller from a different time or plane before closing.

    Time traveller:

1 Seralen ra’Quelveth, a shadowy elf who seeks to prevent/cause some upcoming tragedy

    2 Tango and Walnut, two bumbling masked time assassins who are hopelessly lost

    3 Colden Bloderrin, a dwarf from a distant past ice age who is baffled by modern life

    4 Szil, an acid-scarred lizard who refuses to reveal their home time

5 O!ari! (oh-*click*-ahri-*click*), a strangely knowledgeable blue-skinned alien from another planet

    6 Number 14, a bell-priest from an extradimensional cathedral

13 The Door spits out some alien artifact. 50% chance it is cursed.

    Alien Artifacts:

    1 A chunk of green marble, carved in alien marks.

    2 A mithril wand of cyclopean, spiraling make.

    3 A warped and deformed skeleton- is it natural? Which possibility is worse?

    4 A small fetus in an amber-colored glass jar. The jar shatters if it touches the ground.

    5 A massive gust of purple sand and a bolt of liquid lightning.

    6 A shattered dome of glass, eldritch script written in green blood inside.

14 The Door is open, but hideously deforms anyone who passes through.

15 The Door is open, but attaches a parasite to anyone who passes through.

    Space-Time Parasites:

1 Jerry. Jerry looks like a normal person, just like you. He is a hollow, chitinous shell. Do not trust a word he says, save when he talks longingly of the impending doom.

2 Clock maggots. Feasting on your perception of time, while you’re infected with clock maggots, you have a terribly warped perception of how long it takes things to happen.

3 Silver beetle. This massive creature clings to your back. Everyone infected goes into a coma, living through a hallucination of an alternate timeline as the time beetle feasts on their anguish. How can they be saved?

4 Spark. This small mote of light is the herald of some great power, spreading discord wherever it spreads. When it occupies a host, it inflicts a random temporal disease. It hops hosts once a week through touch.

16 The Door is open, but deals damage to anyone who passes through.

17 The Door is open, but anyone who passes through has a 50% chance of just vanishing.

18 The Door is open, but anyone who passes through garners the attention of some extra-cosmic monster. Roll again.

19 The Door opens as a mile-wide hole in the sky. Roll again.

20 The Door is stable, but everyone within 30 feet of it when it opens has their head explode.

21 The Door ejects a mass of warbling eye-flesh called an Anachron whose mucus pseudopods cause madness.

22 The Door secrets 2d4 mirror-liquid Hounds of Tindalos. They hunger for flesh unmarred by tumors...

23 The Door is stable, but anyone who passes through gets a malignant tumor. They will die in 10 days if it remains untreated.

24 The Door is stable, but when it appears, everyone who can see it makes a WIS save or go mad.

25 The Door is stable, but permanently scars and warps the land around.

26 The Door instead becomes a permanent portal to another plane.

27 The Door attracts the attention of some ancient divinity to some capacity. Roll again.

    Dead Gods

    1 Xyxiqcitl (ZZYKS-ih-kwuh-KIT-ul), the Serpent from the Writhing Depths

    2 Epoch, the Electric Prophet

    3 Torvis Talixar, the Bull from the Maggot-Ridden Time Waste

    4 Shade, the Rider from the Dark Front

    5 Ssol’berath, the First God of Beginnings

    6 (anagram a PC’s name), the (PC title) of (PC hobby)

28 Red-orange clouds coat the sky. The apocalypse begins.

29 Roll 1d6 times and combine the results.

30 Roll 1d12 times and combine the results. This result can stack.

If it’s unclear as to whether a Door is open, roll a d3. On a 1, roll again on the table above. On a 2, the Door closes. On a 3, the Door opens.

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