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1930s Italians, Perry v Empress/Anglian

Following the jolly to Partizan, I now have some of the Perry Miniatures WW2 Italians. Now I intend to use these for the C.T.V. in the Spanish Civil War, as later on they were equipped with the M33 helmet.
So here's another Higgins review, and a comparison to boot.

Perry Miniatures - Pack ITWW3 Italian Riflemen Advancing.

So, what do you get for your £6.50?
Well, six nicely posed riflemen, they all appear to look a little nervous, or perhaps just advancing with a little caution, the models are equipped with what looks like a good representation of the Carcano Short Rifle, now for those picky individuals, this weapon was introduced in 1938, so its probably a bit late for use in Spain, or Abyssinia. I am not that picky, so the models will get used.
Uniform detail looks just fine, and will pass for the earlier M37 uniform, as well as the M40 lightweight  uniform. The figures carry the very minimum of personal kit, consisting of Cartridge pouches, bayonet in scabbard, and the water bottle, one model has a shoulder pack.
The castings are clean, and for a welcome change, are not covered in those funny little wiggly worms. Mould lines are minimal, and will require very little clean up. I reckon they will paint up a treat, and will certainly add some more suitable packs for what I need, as they are released.
There has been some discussion on various forums, around the size of the models, so I have taken the liberty of comparing them to the Empress Models I have. Now be prepared for some controversial comments, especially if you are a Perries Fanboi!!

Perry Miniatures v Empress Miniatures 

Right, now to give them both an equal playing field, I washed them in ink, to help show the detail. For those of you who cannot tell, Empress on the left, Perry on the right!!
As you can clearly see, the models are just about the same height, and build, fantastic for those of use who want to use them together. Now dare I say it, but the Perry model looks a little bit chunky, and I think the face on the Empress model is streets ahead of the Perry one!! 
You can accuse me of bias, I spent many a happy year working with Paul Hicks when I ran Anglian, and the above Empress model was one of the figures Paul sculpted for me. I do firmly believe, that Paul is one of the finest sculptors currently working, and his faces show an incredible amount of character, and are a joy to paint
Both of the models are very good, and I have no hesitation in  recommending either of the ranges. 
The Empress Italy in Abyssinia is currently dead in the water, but has some very useful models, lets hope that the Perry Miniatures interest in North Africa can provide some resurgence in interest, in the Italian part of the range at least, and encourages Empress to add a few more figures to the range.
If you have an interest in the WW2 Italian army, then its worth looking at the following link
Excellent resource for all things WW2 Italian

Now the Perry models I have. could well find themselves suffering a Higgins execution, and get some Empress Adrian helmet, or Spanish Gorillo heads as replacements.
More pics when I finally get one of them painted up!!

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