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Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadow

Rating: 60%
In case you haven't read my review to the first movie, I thought that, that film was interesting particularly in reveling that Sherlock Holmes was actually a pretty skilled fighter with knowing martial arts, swords, guns and stuff like that. And now they have a new one where it's Holmes against his rival who is ACTUALLY from the books. The result: the villain aside, it ended up pretty much the same thing.

Plot: *WARNING SPOILER ALERT* Irene Adler sends a package to Dr. Hoffmanstahl which turns out to be a bomb. But the bomb is stopped shortly afterwords by Sherlock Holmes. Adler reports this to Professor Moriarty who suspects that her position is compromised due to her love for Holmes and poisons her. Shortly before Watson finally gets married to Mary, Holmes stops an assassination that gives him the chance to finally attempt to take down Moriarty.

It was...okay. It was really the villain that kept me interested in this movie. Aside from that, it was just the same thing. Although to be fair, it was easier to understand what everyone was talking about. And the action was a bigger and better. But regardless, it was roughly the same thing, which wasn't bad per say but it was not a super big improvement. It's alla round just a nice action film.

Robert Downey Jr./Sherlock Holmes: When it comes to his talking, he was much better. And he was also a bit funnier. The Camouflage suit was a nice touch.
Jared Harris/Professor Moriarty: So this is the so-called Professor Moriarty. Interesting. I'm interested to know how he's similar to the book.
Jude Law/Dr. John Watson: He was Watson. Just as funny and as irritated with Holmes as ever.

Music: It was pretty good. Same as last time. And frankly, I'm delighted to know that. Because I really thought 2011 was a horrible year when it comes to his less than impressive work with Rango and Pirates 4 so I'm glad to know that not ALL of the work he did this year wasn't all that good.

Editing: I thought it was roughly good. They did help things become a little bit more understandable.

And that's my review for Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. It's roughly just the same stuff as last time, only that it has more action and a better villain.

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