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Dark Shadows Episode 502 - 5/28/68

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Tony arrives at Collinwood and says he can't believe Carolyn was abducted. Liz says the man who took her is a giant, and only seems to speak a few words. She says he's a monster, and not human.

Adam carries Carolyn to the old house. Willie sees him from inside the house, and grabs his rifle.

Willie steps outside and tells Adam to put Carolyn down or he'll shoot him. Adam does. He then grabs the gun from Willie and knocks him out. He takes Willie's matches, picks Carolyn up and carries her away in the woods.

Liz and Tony walk through the woods to the old house. Liz says she thinks the old house is involved. The come across Willie, who says the man was there, and he had Carolyn. Willie tells Tony that he should get a gun because Adam is strong. Tony goes to search for him, and Liz stays with Willie. She says Willie knows a lot, and she asks why he called the monster Adam. Willie realizes what he did.

He denies it, saying she must have misunderstood him. He says he's preoccupied with a dream. She demands that he tell him who Adam is. Willie says he doesn't know who the man is.

Adam carries Carolyn's unconscious body to a shack, and sets her down on a table. He strokes her hair and she slowly comes to. She sits up and begs for him to let her go. He lets go of her, and she says he doesn't want to hurt her. She asks why he doesn't talk. He smiles at her and says, "if both live."

She asks if he's going to kill her, and he says, "kill." She asks why he hates her and starts to cry. He also starts to cry, and tells her no.

She gets up to run but he prevents her from running away. He closes the door and she asks him what he wants. He says, "kill Barnabas."

Back at the main house, Liz hears from the police that no one has escaped from an asylum or prison. Tony tells her that he'll stay with her. Liz tells him that Carolyn was home when he called earlier. He assures Liz that Carolyn will be back. He says he doesn't think the man is a kidnapper. He thinks he was being chased, and he took Carolyn as a shield.

Carolyn shivers, and asks how much longer they have to stay. She says she's cold. He gives her matches and she lights a pine cone on fire. Adam is transfixed by the fire until it burns his hand. She says he's like a kid. She apologizes, saying she thought he knew.

Willie sits in a chair, trying not to fall asleep. He tries to stay awake until Barnabas returns, but he fails. There's a knock at the door, and it's Carolyn. Willie realizes she got away, and asks where Adam is. She silently beckons him to follow her. He does, and she leads him to a door.


After going through, she closes and locks it behind him. He hears her recite the curse, and turns to find he's in a room with many doors. He hears Josette's music box, and opens the first door to see the wide-eyed skull. He closes it and moves to the next, where he sees the guillotine. The third door he opens reveals the skeletal bride. Behind the fourth door, he sees a wolf's head. He wakes up screaming in terror.

Our thoughts

John: Why would Adam stop to pick up Willie's matches? Seems like that was pretty forced to setup the burning scene later.

Christine: And how would he know to give them to Carolyn when she said she was cold? Also, why would Carolyn burn a pinecone for warmth when there's a bunch of old pallets behind them?

John: Willie's going to have a lot of explaining to do—to Liz and Barnabas, regarding the man he seems to know as Adam.

Christine: It seems as though the dream may have loosened a few more screws in Willie's head, and he may end up back at Windcliff, unable to explain anything. John Karlen is awesome!

John: Always fun to get back to the dream curse, which took an unexpected turn, cycling from Willie back to Carolyn—meaning there's still a chance for it to pass through Liz and/or Roger on its way to Barnabas. Of course I was disappointed that we didn't get a second view of the spiderweb.

Christine: At least we lost the bat footage. Why is Willie dreaming of a wolf's head? Does he fear taxidermy? Does this portend the coming of a lycanthrope?

Dark Shadows Before I Die Round Robin Nightmare tracker:
  1. Wide-eyed skull
  2. Guillotine
  3. Lang's Headless creation
  4. Skeletal bride 
  5. Educational Bat-footage
  6. Giant spider-web 
  7. Mounted wolf's head 

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