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5 December - Blogs I'm Following - 2 of 5

10 pm MST

Borce Ristevski's 'deceit' and apparent lack of remorse over killing his wife noted as judges increase sentence

Karen Percy at Just In - 6 hours ago
Melbourne man Borce Ristevski has his prison sentence increased from nine to 13 years for the 2016 manslaughter of his wife Karen, after a Court of Appeal ruling.

Former NSW minister granted parole over 'sickening' sex with minors

Jamie McKinnell at Just In - 6 hours ago
Convicted paedophile and former NSW Labor minister Milton Orkopoulos is granted parole and will be released from prison.

Satellite 'constellation' illuminates sky with 60 lights in a line spotted over SA and WA

Daniel Keane at Just In - 6 hours ago
Astute stargazers in Adelaide and WA are shocked on Thursday night to spot a series of unidentified flying objects shining brightly in perfect alignment — and it's all to do with Elon Musk.

Mining billionaire Andrew Forrest swoops in to save troubled WA solar farm

Daniel Mercer at Just In - 6 hours ago
Mining billionaire Andrew Forrest has emerged as a white knight investor in a troubled solar farm in Western Australia's Wheatbelt, saving the $130 million project from near-certain failure.

It's not just you. The noise in your office is very distracting

Suzannah Lyons at Just In - 6 hours ago
Types of sounds and where they're coming from in your office could impact how distracting you find them.

'Nobody is pretending': A journey through Tasmania's west

Georgie Burgess at Just In - 6 hours ago
Tasmania's west is rugged and isolating and its history is rich. A new exhibition at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery invites you to take a journey out west.

We'd bake you a cake for a 10/10 in our news quiz, but that's against the rules…

Just In - 6 hours ago
If you're a fan of Bluey, The Mandalorian or Mental As Anything, you've got a head start in this week's news quiz.

Global stock markets await further volatility with US-China trade war

David Chau at Just In - 6 hours ago
Australian shares are likely to start the day with little momentum, following a volatile week due to conflicting signals from Donald Trump about how the US-China trade dispute was progressing.

Murray-Darling Basin's top cop tips a bucket on federal Agriculture Department

Kath Sullivan And Clint Jasper at Just In - 6 hours ago
A long-awaited Government-ordered report slams the department, saying it suffers from inaction and a risk-averse culture and has no clear mission when it comes to water.

Out-of-control bushfires closing in on 'major population centres' in NSW

Just In - 6 hours ago
Authorities confirm more than 680 homes have been destroyed by bushfires this season, as three blazes burning near Sydney combine to create a "mega blaze".

The overhauled public service may be more efficient, but at what cost to good government?

Markus Mannheim at Just In - 6 hours ago
The Prime Minister's overhaul of the public service is no mere reshuffle — it may be the most significant change to the government's structure in more than 30 years.

Jones Island now a 'prohibited' area to protect sea lion 'stronghold'

Gary-Jon Lysaght at Just In - 6 hours ago
The South Australian Government is enforcing new restrictions on the island off the western coast in an effort to protect the endangered sea lions that breed there.

Queensland's child protection system let this teenager down so she's calling for a major overhaul

George Roberts And Rebeka Powell at Just In - 6 hours ago
After the deaths of two toddlers last month — who were known to the Queensland department of child services — a former child of the system is calling for a major overhaul so future carers and children have greater support and a better shot at life afterwards.

Could aquarium-bred seahorses save the species from extinction?

Harriet Tatham at Just In - 6 hours ago
After losing 90 per cent of its population in a decade, a desperate attempt is being made to save the endangered Sydney seahorse.

Your treechange could put native wildlife at risk. Here's how to be part of the solution

Anna Kelsey-Sugg at Just In - 6 hours ago
As more people ditch the inner-city for the urban fringe or the country, critically endangered ecosystems are being cleared for housing. And that is a massive problem for our native wildlife.

How the Gunny plans to treat Democruds who go to prison for the coup.

GunnyG at 'Nox & Friends - 6 hours ago
Imagine the dirtbag above being Comey or Brennan or Eric “Waco” Holder going to prison and I/we/you get a huge pen pal…

Who did the Chamber of Commerce piss off?

Uriel at 'Nox & Friends - 6 hours ago
Upon occasion we all have had some reason to get upset at the Chamber of Commerce, right? Senator Whitehouse has made much of his career since coming to congress about climate change. In fact in 2018, he had cleared his 200th talk on the subject. On October 29, 2019 in a committee hearing that has except for one or two places been erased even from the C-Span videos, Senator Whitehouse attacked all of “big business and their dark money donors” but in the first two minutes and interspersed in his Special Committee on Climate Crisis Hearing were several attack sentences … Continue read... more »

Why Vegetable Oils Are Carcinogenic

WTStaff at Waking Times - 6 hours ago
*Dr. Mercola* - Replacing dangerous vegetable oils a simple way to boost your health and reduce your risk of chronic disease, including cancer.

German court confirms CBD without ‘novel’ designation can’t be sold as food

Kevin Huhn at Marijuana Business Daily - 6 hours ago
(This is an abridged version of a story that appears at Hemp Industry Daily.) The Gießen Administrative Court (VG Gießen) ruled that local authorities in Germany were right to not permit sales of CBD products that don’t have a “novel food” authorization. The court’s ruling confirmed an earlier decision by another German court. The European […] German court confirms CBD without ‘novel’ designation can’t be sold as food is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs

Alice Embree : Houston’s historic ‘Space City!’ to get new life

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 6 hours ago
’60s-’70s underground paper to be digitized, featured in NJP book. By Alice Embree | The Rag Blog | December 5, 2019 In 1969, Space City News, a newly minted underground newspaper, hit the streets and newsstands of Houston, Texas. The … finish reading Alice Embree : Houston’s historic ‘Space City!’ to get new life

Why the Legendary Mini-14 Rifle Was Forgotten

Kyle Mizokami at The National Interest - 6 hours ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *Technology, Americas* [image: https://pictures.reuters.com/archive/USA-ELECTION-TEXAS-RC196CD58980.html] A fascinating weapon. *Key point: *This rifle has served in several conflicts. One of the most enduring and popular semi-automatic rifles in America traces its lineage to the battlefields of World War II and Korea. The Mini-14 rifle, designed and developed by Sturm Ruger, is in widespread use as a ranch rifle, defensive weapon, and even a hunting arm. Now in its fifth decade, the Mini-14 shows no sign of going out of production anytime soon. In the late 196... more »


Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 6 hours ago
New Zealand has a government that aims to *raise* petrol prices with new taxes (to fight global warming, they say) while at the same time aiming to *lower* petrol prices (to stop New Zealanders being "fleeced," they say). Do you think, perhaps, they haven't thought their position through? Does that explain why their overall position on petrol prices is incoherent? If we are being fleeced, it's by these idiots. Fleeced, and at the same time taken for idiots. [Hat tip Home Paddock] . Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Permission to republish is granted, with link and attributi... more »

UN Military Action to Enforce Climate Agenda? It May Happen, Says Academic

Selwyn Duke at rss - 6 hours ago
[image: u-n-military-action-to-enforce-climate-agenda-it-may-happen-says-academic] If the proposal to arrest climate change realists wasn’t enough to create suspicion about Big Warming, try this on for size: A Danish academic has stated that the United Nations may use force against countries defying its climate-change mandates.

Democrats at UN Climate Summit Ignore Science, Reality

TNA Video at rss - 6 hours ago
[image: alex-newman-debbie-bacigalupi-democrats-at-un-climate-summit-ignore-science-reality] VIDEO - A congressional delegation of Democrats at the United Nations COP25 "Climate" in Madrid is ignoring science and the ongoing U.S. withdrawal from the UN Paris Agreement. UN globalists are also exploiting children to advance their phony narrative. In this video, UN expert Debbie Bacigalupi and Wolfgang Muller with the European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) provide a real-time update from the COP25 summit.

Democrat Impeachment Witness Working on Facebook’s “Supreme Court”

Luis Miguel at rss - 6 hours ago
[image: democrat-impeachment-witness-working-on-facebook-s-supreme-court] Noah Feldman, a witness in the Democrats’ impeachment hearing, is working with Facebook to develop the platform’s content oversight board.

British School Bans Christmas Cards Citing Environmental Concerns

Raven Clabough at rss - 6 hours ago
[image: british-school-bans-christmas-cards-citing-environmental-concerns] Students at the Belton Lane Primary School in Lincolnshire, England, have been banned from sending Christmas cards to their classmates because the cards are allegedly bad for the environment.

Media Working Overtime To Blame Racism & Misogyny For Kamala Falling on Her Face

Diogenes Sarcastica™ at Diogenes' Middle Finger - 6 hours ago
It's not enough that Kamala Harris is as unlikeable and unappealing as any candidate since that Clinton Woman, that almost immediately after Harris withdrew from the 2020 race accusations of misogyny and racism began to run rampant, and continues at a steady pace ever since. A quick spin around the interwebs will reveal dozens of articles, all lamenting the racism and misogyny that destroyed poor, innocent, Kamala Harris. Just this morning, *The Hill* treated us to the following: Sen. Kamala Harris’s exit from the race on Tuesday underscored the degree to which candidates of color... more »

What is your acceptable number?

Norma at Collecting My Thoughts - 6 hours ago
At least 12,000 late-term abortions take place every year in the United States, according to Guttmacher Institute data (research arm of Planned Parenthood). Almost none out of medical necessity. And that's OK with Nancy Pelosi, Pete Buttigeig, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, and the rest of the gang. And they perpetuate the lie about "save the life of the mother." Nor will they vote to save the life of a born alive aborted child. There was a time in our history when only one politician would say that--Barack Obama. But, he did promise to fundamentally change the country.... more »

Stepping Away from the Brink Part V: The Call to Action for HBCUs

cmaadmin at Diverse - 7 hours ago
It is no secret that, from their inception, HBCUs have filled a series of voids within the Black community. Against a backdrop of centuries of deprivation to live out their full potential, newly enfranchised Africans and their progeny born in this country possessed few skills that would make them competitive in the mid-to-late 19th & 20th century American industrial economies.

FIRE Report Examines Free Speech on College Campuses

cmaadmin at Diverse - 7 hours ago
The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) has released its annual report on institutional policies that can restrict student expression.

After Racist Graffiti, Salisbury University Announces New Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

Sara Weissman at Diverse - 7 hours ago
Salisbury University is enacting new diversity and inclusion initiatives after racist messages were repeatedly found in Fulton Hall, Delmarva Now reported. Salisbury University President Dr. Charles Wight announced in a statement on Tuesday that the school will be creating a chief diversity officer role. The new position will report directly to him as a part […]

Erdogan demands NATO support Turkey in northern Syria operation

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 7 hours ago
NATO allies should support Turkey in its conflict with Syrian Kurdish fighters after Ankara dropped its objections to the alliance’s defense plans for Poland and the Baltics, NTV quoted President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as saying on Thursday. Ahead of Wednesday’s summit, Turkey had angered other NATO members by saying it would block the defense plan […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Syrian Army foils jihadist attack in southeastern Idlib

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 7 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:00 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) units in southeastern Idlib foiled another infiltration attempt by the jihadist rebels on Thursday, killing and wounding several militants in the process. According to a field report from this front, the jihadist rebels attempted to infiltrate the Syrian Army’s positions near the town of Sinjar […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Netanyahu calls for more pressure on Iran, avoids question about east Syria strikes

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 7 hours ago
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for increased pressure on Iran, saying its “empire is tottering” at the beginning of a meeting with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Lisbon on Wednesday. “And I say let’s make it totter even further,” Netanyahu stressed, adding that “Iran’s aggression,” in turn, “is growing.” “Iran is increasing […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Speaker Pelosi Instructs House Chairman to Assemble Articles of Impeachment…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 7 hours ago
With the House calendar extended to December 20th it now appears the full House vote on articles of impeachment will take place within this year. Today, Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced her instructions to House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler to assemble … Continue reading →

Study Estimates That 40% Of Tropical Plants In Africa On Verge Of Extinction

WTStaff at Waking Times - 7 hours ago
*John Vibes* - According to new research published in the journal Science Advances, a third of tropical African plants are at risk of extinction.

Why Is Trump Doubling Down on the Threat of War Against Iran?

Matthew Petti at The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Matthew Petti* *Politics, Middle East* [image: Reuters] Iran is in ferment and the Trump State Department is trying to up the pressure on Tehran. U.S. Special Representative Brian Hook took a hard line on Iran’s suppression of domestic protests, just two days after President Donald Trump said that the United States is not backing the protesters. Trump has been losing interest in the Middle East, but his State Department is still committed to a campaign of “maximum pressure” to isolate Iran. Now, that the campaign has provoked renewed Iranian reactions, Trump administration offi... more »

Did Chrisopter Steele Lie to The FBI?

Chuck Ross at The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Chuck Ross* *Politics, Americas* [image: U.S. Attorney General William Barr speaks with Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) at an event hosted by U.S. President Donald Trump to celebrate federal judicial confirmations in the East Room of the White House in Washington, U.S., November 6, 2019.] Some GOP Senators think so... *One of the mysteries looming over the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation is whether dossier author Christopher Steele lied to the bureau regarding his contacts with journalists. * - *Two GOP senators, Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham, referred Steele f... more »

Did Stacy Abrams Violate Campaign Laws?

Jason Hopkins at The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Jason Hopkins* *Politics, Americas* [image: Stacy Abrams (D), former gubernatorial candidate for Georgia, speaks at the 2019 National Action Network National Convention in New York, U.S., April 3, 2019. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton] Georgia's state ethics director has some questions. The chief of the Georgia ethics commission said a nonprofit tied to Stacey Abrams acted as a political committee during the 2018 election and openly wondered if the organization illegally coordinated with her campaign. Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission Director David Emad... more »

Double the Fighters: Why Japan Wants Domestic F-3s and the F-35

Charlie Gao at The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Charlie Gao* *Security, Asia* [image: https://pictures.reuters.com/archive/JAPAN-DEFENCE-F35-RC1F9657A6D0.html] Specialized roles for both planes. *Key point:* The F-35 will provide modern stealth and the new F-3 will patrol for longer distances. In February 2019, Japan turned heads with its decision to proceed with the development of an indigenous stealth fighter jet. This came in the wake of the decision to purchase more than one hundred American F-35 jets, and the supposed cancellation of the Japanese X-2 stealth fighter prototype in 2018. The Japanese Ministry of Defense a... more »

A 35,000-Ship Navy? The U.S. Navy Has Some Ideas to Make It Happen

Kris Osborn at The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *Security, * Technology could do it. *Key Point:* The Navy's new technology based strategy will save many servicemen's lives. The future of amphibious attack may consist of thousands of disaggregated manned and unmanned surveillance boats, armor-carrying connectors, minesweepers and small attack vessels operating in tandem as the Navy and Marine Corps refine a new strategic approach and continue their pivot toward a new, great-power threat environment. The concept is to configure a dispersed, yet “networked” fleet of next-generation connectors and other smaller b... more »

Trump Mocks Pelosi For California Homelessness, Reaction to Reporter

Chris White at The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Chris White* *Politics, Americas* [image: U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at a fundraiser in Des Moines, Iowa, June 11, 2019. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque] Pelosi had said that she 'prays' for Trump. President Donald Trump lobbed a rhetorical bomb at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Thursday after the California Democrat told reporters that she prays for the president and doesn’t hate him. Pelosi should worry about the homelessness plaguing her California district and signing legislation on trade, Trump said on Twitter. He also mocked Pelosi’s reaction after a reporter asked her on Thur... more »

Blast From the Past: Kerry Endorses Biden For President

Mary Margaret Olohan at The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Mary Margaret Olohan* *Politics, Americas* [image: Former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry arrives at the] 'Joe is uniquely the person running for president who can beat Donald Trump,' the failed 2004 candidate said. Former 2004 presidential candidate John Kerry endorsed 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden in a statement Thursday. The Biden campaign released a statement from Kerry in which the former Democratic nominee said Biden is “uniquely” suited for the role of defeating President Donald Trump, whom Kerry said “smashed apart” the world. Kerry ran for president against ... more »

CPPIB's Big Investment in India's NIIF

Leo Kolivakis at Pension Pulse - 7 hours ago
The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) put out a press release today stating it plans to invest up to US$600 million through National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF): National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF) of India and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) today announced an agreement for CPPIB to invest up to US$600 million through the NIIF Master Fund. The agreement includes a commitment of US$150 million in the NIIF Master Fund and co-investment rights of up to US$450 million in future opportunities to invest alongside the NIIF Master Fund.... more »

Total War

What Is Sustainable at What Is Sustainable - 7 hours ago
 It’s always an exciting and mind expanding experience to get a library card, and spend at least 25 years studying environmental history and ecological sustainability, while also developing a loving intimate relationship with the ecosystem around you. There’s something healthy, intelligent, and sane about being present in reality, including its tremendous and worsening dark side. Year after year, the more you learn and heal, the less at home you feel in this culture, which has little interest in the wellbeing of the family of life. Becoming present in reality transforms you int... more »

A Note On Stoves

E.M.Smith at Musings from the Chiefio - 7 hours ago
What stoves are like, and what stove I'd like in a daily use scenario Continue reading →

Bloomberg Can't Win The Democratic Nomination-- Nor Should He

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 8 hours ago
Yesterday, Election Science posted an interesting new national survey of Democratic primary voters by ChangePolls. Aside from just showing the horse-race results-- Bernie and Elizabeth tied at 23%, Status Quo Joe at 22% and Mayo at 14%-- it also shows the "approval voting results," which is a system in which "voters are able to vote for all the candidates that they support, meaning that similar candidates, such as Sanders and Warren, don’t split the vote." These are the results based on approval voting: *•* Elizabeth- 74% *•* Bernie- 64% *•* Mayo- 61% *•* Status Quo Joe- 53% *•* C... more »

Russian Prime Minister Medvedev: Cutting Russia Off From SWIFT Would Mean Declaration Of War

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
Dmitry Medvedev speaks at 2019 ASEAN Summit © RIA Novosti / Dmitry Astakhov *RT:* *Cutting Russia off from SWIFT would mean declaration of war – Russian PM * Restricting Russia’s access to the SWIFT international banking payment system would virtually mean a declaration of war, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has warned. Speaking to reporters on Thursday, Medvedev recalled the West once seriously considered the option, and Moscow is aware of it. “This would in fact be a declaration of war, but nevertheless it was discussed,” the Russian prime minister said, adding that this is one... more »

President Trump Responds To US House Speaker Pelosi's Impeachment Announcement

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
....This will mean that the beyond important and seldom used act of Impeachment will be used routinely to attack future Presidents. That is not what our Founders had in mind. The good thing is that the Republicans have NEVER been more united. We will win! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 5, 2019 ....This will mean that the beyond important and seldom used act of Impeachment will be used routinely to attack future Presidents. That is not what our Founders had in mind. The good thing is that the Republicans have NEVER been more united. We will win! — Donald J. Trump (@r... more »

Choices We Make In Life

Natalie Porter at Enlightened Consciousness - 8 hours ago
Life gets so busy that you forget that you do have choices in life at all times. “Sometimes, it’s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever.” —Keri Russell Every time you make a decision, you are making multiple choices. For every action, there is a reaction. Most decisions, such as what you eat, are minor decisions with only a small impact on your life. It’s the big decisions that can change your life forever. Those are the tough ones to make. When you are indecisive, you are actually running a whole of choices through our minds. By being indecisive, you are creati... more »

My Toddlers Can't Read

Peter Greene at CURMUDGUCATION - 8 hours ago
Here at the Curmudgucation Institute, the Board of Directors has taken a great interest in the printed word. We have, for instance, entered the Me Do It phase for one of our most beloved tomes (*Little Excavator, *by Anna Dewdney). I am no longer allowed to read that book to the Board, but must hold it open while a Board member recites the text. We can do then same thing for select portions of that other best-seller, *Digger, Dozer, Dumper. *The Board also enjoys just sitting and holding a book and flipping through the pages, one at a time, just like the Institute's CEO and his wife... more »

“The first job of an economist is to tell governments what they cannot do.” #QotD

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 8 hours ago
*“The first job of an economist is to tell governments what they cannot do.”* ~ Ludwig Von Mises . Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Permission to republish is granted, with link and attribution.

Sen. S. Whitehouse on US corporate history to present

Bob Dinn at balance10 - 8 hours ago
*-Except that FDR was from highest levels of, and served, Wall Street!!! -r* -Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI). see: https://books.google.com/books?id=eyy4DQAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=corporate+court+system&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjxrr6ynp_mAhVBrZ4KHSPHD8MQ6AEwAHoECAYQAg#v=onepage&q=corporate%20court%20system&f=false ............................................. 10-21-19 A member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, he confronted the High Court with a shockingly blunt friend-of-the-Court brief. It concluded: "The Supreme Court is not well. And the p... more »

Alyssa Rosenberg gets it right!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 8 hours ago
*THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2019We'll add to what she said:* We're happy to be making this statement: This afternoon, at the Washington Post, Alyssa Rosenberg has gotten it right! She starts by making an obvious point. We'll add to what she says: ROSENBERG (12/5/19): *Let us begin with the abundantly obvious,* since apparently we need to do that these days: It was a bad joke and an incredibly boneheaded strategy. *For some reason, Stanford law professor Pamela Karlan thought it was clever to tell the House Judiciary Committee during her Wednesday testimony that “While the president c... more »

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Says The House Will Move To Impeach President Trump

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
*Politico:* *'No choice': Pelosi proceeds with articles of impeachment* *The speaker said investigators have uncovered more than sufficient evidence to show that Trump abused his office.* Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Thursday that she has asked key chairmen to draft articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, a historic step that signals the House is increasingly likely to vote to impeach Trump before the end of this year. “Sadly, but with confidence and humility, with allegiance to our founders, and a heart full of love for America, today I am asking our chairmen to... more »

New Study Shows That DMT Puts Your Brain In A “Waking Dream” State

WTStaff at Waking Times - 8 hours ago
*John Vibes* - A study led by a team of researchers at the Centre for Psychedelic Research at Imperial College London demonstrated that people under the influence of DMT (or dimethyltryptamine) show brain wave patterns similar to a dreaming state while they are awake.

Sen. Whitehouse’s hypocrisy on “Dark Money”

Uriel at 'Nox & Friends - 8 hours ago
. Dark Money Network Funneled $600 Million to Liberal Initiatives in 2018 Democrats adopt once-derided strategy, building a massive money network that shields donors from scrutiny Free Beacon Joe Schoffstall November 26, 2019 Democratic donors have built a formidable dark money network to obscure the source of more than $600 million funneled to liberal groups and initiatives last year, tax forms show. The massive cash flow came from Arabella Advisors, a D.C.-based organization that says it provides “strategic guidance for effective philanthropy.” In reality, the group does far more,... more »

Did Michael Vick Say ‘I Killed All Of Them’ Dogs?

Dan Evon at Snopes.com - 8 hours ago
The former NFL star was convicted of running a dog fighting ring in 2007.

Nationwide Strike Begins In France -- News Roundup December 5, 2019

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
*Daily Mail: **Police fire tear gas and water cannon at protesters as France is paralysed by worst nationwide strike for decades: Sixty-five arrested in Paris as schools shut, public transport stops and Eiffel Tower closes in protest at Macron's pension reforms* * Protesters in Nantes threw projectiles at police who responded with tear gas * Thousands marched in several cities ahead of two major demonstrations in Paris * Some 65 people arrested in Paris as hooded youths set fits and looted stores * Around 90 per cent of high-speed TGV trains cancelled and 30 per cent fl... more »

World News Briefs -- December 5, 2019

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
*Reuters:* *Pelosi pursues articles of impeachment against Trump, says democracy at stake* WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Warning that American democracy is at stake, U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Thursday she has asked a House committee to draft articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, a historic step that sets up a fight over whether to oust him from office. Speaking in somber tones in a televised statement, Pelosi accused the Republican president of abusing his power and alluded to Britain’s King George III, the monarch against whom the Ame... more »


Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 8 hours ago
A leaked dossier on antisemitism in the Labour Party, as submitted to the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, is hitting the headline. The ITV News website is leading with it tonight, and Sky News has it has their second story, behind the impeachment of Donald Trump. The BBC News website doesn't have the story at all among its headlines. Why?

Pelosi Asks House to Impeach Trump, Hypocritically Citing Fidelity to the Constitution

Steve Byas at rss - 8 hours ago
[image: pelosi-asks-house-to-impeach-trump-hypocritically-citing-fidelity-to-the-constitution] “The president’s actions have seriously violated the Constitution,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said during in a Thursday press briefing. Pelosi told reporters that Trump “leaves us no choice but to act.”

Rep. Bradley Byrne: Illegal-alien Students Cost Americans $60B a Year

Luis Miguel at rss - 8 hours ago
[image: rep-bradley-byrne-illegal-alien-students-cost-americans-60b-a-year] Representative Bradley Byrne (R-Ala.) said taxpayers in local school districts are paying the brunt of the burden for illegal immigration, including for federally mandated ESL programs.

Law Prof Who Ridiculed Barron Trump Denounced Whites, Wrote SCOTUS Sodomy Dissent in 1986

R. Cort Kirkwood at rss - 8 hours ago
[image: law-prof-who-ridiculed-barron-trump-denounced-whites-wrote-scotus-sodomy-dissent-in-1986] The angry law professor who insulted the president’s son in testimony before the House Judiciary Committee yesterday is an anti-white lesbian.

Hillary Inches Closer to Running for President. What’s Holding Her Back?

Michael Tennant at rss - 8 hours ago
[image: hillary-inches-closer-to-running-for-president-what-s-holding-her-back] Recent media appearances by Hillary Clinton suggest she's preparing to enter the presidential race, but one thing may be holding her back.

George Zimmerman Sues Trayvon Martin’s Parents, Others for $100 Million Claiming Coverup During His Trial

Bob Adelmann at rss - 8 hours ago
[image: george-zimmerman-sues-trayvon-martins-parents-others-for-100-million-claiming-coverup-during-his-trial] In a lawsuit filed by his attorney on Tuesday, George Zimmerman claimed that many parties involved in his trial fabricated evidence in an attempt to convict him of murder.

Michael Bloomberg: The Radical Abortion Candidate

Dave Bohon at rss - 8 hours ago
[image: michael-bloomberg-the-radical-abortion-candidate] Newly announced Democrat presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg has little to offer America other than a radical, multi-million-dollar enthusiasm for unfettered abortion.

The “everybody gets a car” act

CFACT Ed at CFACT - 8 hours ago
BY AEA: Subsidies and giveaways galore for "renewable" energy The post The “everybody gets a car” act appeared first on CFACT.

This is your brain on tribal war!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 8 hours ago
*THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2019The craziness of the Times:* Yesterday morning, we barked out an order to our eager young team of analysts. "Who is Catie Edmondson?" we persuasively said, stating our aggressive command in the form of a question. We were asking because of the news report Edmondson authored in yesterday's New York Times. We were stunned by the incompetence of Edmondson's report, which moved from pitiful conflations at the start on to bald-faced misstatement at the end. Edmondson was discussing Senator Kennedy's original claim that Ukraine may have been responsible for ha... more »

Forgotten or Neglected Classics in Economics that Modern Students Should Be Reading

Peter Boettke at Econlib - 8 hours ago
Many years ago I wrote an essay for Liberty Fund entitled “Why Read the Classics in Economics?” and I explained that besides the aesthetic value of working through old ideas, there was a very real pragmatic value because these older works can improve our contemporary theorizing. Yes, there is beauty in philosophy, art, and science, […] The post Forgotten or Neglected Classics in Economics that Modern Students Should Be Reading appeared first on Econlib.

Andrew Neil gives Boris both barrels

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 9 hours ago
If you missed it, here's Andrew Neil's monologue at the end of tonight's *The Andrew Neil Interview *with Nigel Farage: That concludes our fourth leaders interview for the general election of 2019. There is, of course, still one to be done - Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister. We have been asking him for weeks now to give us a date, a time, a venue. As of now, none has been forthcoming. No broadcaster can compel a politician to be interviewed, but leaders interviews have been a key part of the BBC's prime time election coverage for decades. We do them, on your behalf, to scrutini... more »

A small town's big challenges when the power goes out

Aimee Volkofsky at Just In - 9 hours ago
Menindee local Kevin Staker has sleep apnoea and relies on a machine to breathe, but when the electricity goes off — as it has five times in six months — he's afraid to close his eyes.

WCA death doctor: DWP put ‘immense pressure’ on Atos to find claimants fit for work

John Pring at Disability News Service - 9 hours ago
A company paid to assess disabled people’s fitness for work was put under “immense pressure” by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to find claimants ineligible for out-of-work disability benefits, official records have revealed. DWP has insisted for years that there […]

Civil servants ‘ashamed’ to work for DWP over ‘pig’s ear’ universal credit

John Pring at Disability News Service - 9 hours ago
Civil servants described to colleagues how they were “ashamed” to work for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) because of the experiences of their own relatives when claiming universal credit, leaked documents have revealed. The thoughts of DWP civil servants were […]

Shadow chancellor backs call for criminal investigation into Duncan Smith and Grayling

John Pring at Disability News Service - 9 hours ago
Labour’s shadow chancellor has joined disabled campaigners in backing calls for a criminal probe into the actions of former Tory ministers and senior civil servants, following the publication of a five-year investigation into the deaths of disabled benefit claimants. The 12,000-word article, […]

Election 2019: McDonnell says Labour government will hold inquiry into DWP deaths

John Pring at Disability News Service - 9 hours ago
Shadow chancellor John McDonnell has confirmed that a Labour government would set up an independent inquiry into the deaths of disabled benefit claimants linked to the actions of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and its private sector contractors. The inquiry […]

UK ‘one of worst in European Union on disability poverty’

John Pring at Disability News Service - 9 hours ago
The UK is one of the worst-performing countries in the European Union (EU) when it comes to protecting disabled people from poverty, according to official figures. The EU figures show that the UK is the 10th worst of the 28 EU member […]

Seven Tory ministers for disabled people stay silent on UN’s international rights day

John Pring at Disability News Service - 9 hours ago
Not one of the seven ministers for disabled people who have served in the post since the Conservatives came to power in 2010 issued a message of support on social media on the UN’s international day of disabled people this week. Tuesday’s […]

Less than 80 private sector firms achieve Disability Confident top level in three years

John Pring at Disability News Service - 9 hours ago
The government’s flagship disability employment scheme has managed to sign up less than 80 private sector employers in more than three years to its highest accreditation level, new research has found. When Disability Confident was relaunched in 2016, the scheme allowed employers […]

Election 2019: SNP manifesto manages just three mentions of disability

John Pring at Disability News Service - 9 hours ago
The SNP’s general election manifesto includes just three mentions of disability or disabled people, and only one of those is related to a policy it would push for in the next parliament. Many policies that have a specific impact on disabled people, […]

Election 2019: Plaid Cymru manifesto pledges free social care for Wales

John Pring at Disability News Service - 9 hours ago
Plaid Cymru is promising to push for free social care in Wales and to demand full control over universal credit, in its general election manifesto. One of the party’s five headline policies includes a pledge to offer free social care through a […]

Disabled duo continue universal credit ‘injustice’ court fight

John Pring at Disability News Service - 9 hours ago
Two disabled men have been forced to return yet again to the Royal Courts of Justice this week to fight what they say is the injustice caused by the government’s universal credit benefit system. The men, known as TP and AR for […]

'No-one wants a 58-year-old, fat, one-legged man' — except for Uber

Erin Semmler at Just In - 9 hours ago
Tom Bundesen has "been in some pretty dry gullies" in his time, but he's back on "the road of life" — and working 70 hours a week — after a dislocated knee led to him losing his leg.

Traditional owners driven apart by Adani issue unite to fight Queensland Government

Josh Robertson at Just In - 9 hours ago
After years of dispute over whether to embrace or reject the Adani mine, the Wangan and Jagalingou people join forces in a native title claim that the Queensland Government is opposing.

Eastern Queensland sizzles through heatwave as conditions challenge firefighters

Just In - 9 hours ago
A severe heatwave is gripping South East Queensland, where some communities will sweat through temperatures up to 12 degrees Celsius above average, as firefighters assess damage from the Millmerran bushfire.

Huntsman nest discovery reveals spider's unusual family ties

John Dobson And Gianni Di Giovanni at Just In - 9 hours ago
The discovery of a massive huntsman nest shines a spotlight on the spider's strong familial bonds and social structure.

'I refuse to live my life as a victim of you': Woman shares powerful statement on abuse

Meagan Dillon at Just In - 9 hours ago
A South Australian woman has shared a powerful victim impact statement following years of abuse from her former partner.*Warning, this story describes acts of abuse and animal cruelty.

Education Minister under fire for bypassing town in need of funding for school refurbishment

Christopher Testa And Sean Wales at Just In - 9 hours ago
Warracknabeal is crying out for funding to complete a new school precinct, but Victoria's Education Minister fails to visit the small town in the state's west despite visiting the region this week.

Live: NSW Now: Smoke haze lingers as bushfires ring Sydney, Australians say it's time to talk climate change

Just In - 9 hours ago
*MORNING BRIEFING:* Firefighters conduct property protection across five emergency level fires across the state overnight, ahead of worsening bushfire conditions bringing more smoke forecast today.

Audio recordings of bird calls lure 'extinct' seabird to offshore island

Emma Siossian at Just In - 9 hours ago
An initiative to lure seabirds to a coastal island by playing bird recordings is achieving results, including luring a bird species to the island that was previously thought to be extinct in Australia.

'Incredibly humiliated, degraded': Disability advocate claims she was abused in hospital

Mary-Louise Vince And Lucy Thackray at Just In - 9 hours ago
There are calls for major changes to Sydney's Royal North Shore Hospital's mental health system as police investigate allegations of abuse against a patient.

Department of Christmas Affairs brings holiday cheer public-sector style

Niki Burnside at Just In - 9 hours ago
When the Prime Minister addressed the country yesterday, outlining an overhaul of the public service, there was one department he failed to mention.

Who produced the sporting moment of 2019?

Richard Hinds at Just In - 9 hours ago
Ash Barty's French Open triumph and rise to the top of women's tennis was a huge story in 2019, as was Tiger Woods once again winning a major at Augusta National, but the most significant moment came from a man who simply took a stand.

ANZ to slash lending to thermal coal projects, leaked document reveals

Michael Slezak at Just In - 9 hours ago
Australia's second-largest bank plans to cut lending to thermal coal projects by 75 per cent within the next five years, or about $700 million, a leaked document reveals.

The last possible date for online Christmas shopping

Dannielle Maguire at Just In - 9 hours ago
If you want to avoid a last-minute shopping centre dash on Christmas Eve, your window of opportunity is getting smaller by the day.

This is how Boris Johnson could win Brexit, but lose the United Kingdom

Samantha Hawley at Just In - 9 hours ago
For many Britons, the general election is a second, unofficial referendum on Brexit. For Scots, it could be the last straw before they try again to break away from the UK and become an independent nation.

Bubble wrap on the windows and a wet sarong — Leanne has tried everything to cool her rental

Nour Haydar at Just In - 9 hours ago
There are calls for landlords leasing homes too hot in summer and too cold in winter to think of their tenants — and the climate and the struggling energy grid.

Why are Tasmanian students falling behind the rest of the nation?

Manika Dadson at Just In - 9 hours ago
Long considered the dunce of the class, Tasmania certainly has plenty of room for improvement when it comes to education performance — but much needs to happen for student grades to match those from elsewhere.

How global warming is changing childhood

Tim Leslie And Joshua Byrd at Just In - 9 hours ago
Global warming is already changing the world before our eyes — let's see what has happened in your lifetime, and what's in store for your future.

When the electricity system is buckling under pressure, who keeps their power and who gets cut off?

Dan Harrison at Just In - 9 hours ago
When the demand for power exceeds supply, sometimes electricity networks cut people off from power to prevent the whole system from collapsing. It's called load shedding. This is how it works.

For Morrison, electoral triumph has brought a weirdly shrunken field of vision

Annabel Crabb at Just In - 9 hours ago
Scott Morrison has been in the historically unusual position, as leader of the Liberal Party, of being able to confidently order his stationery in bulk. And it's helped him delivered in spades, writes Annabel Crabb.

Will Greta Go By Donkey?

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 9 hours ago
By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public Eeyore!! https://www.20minutos.es/noticia/4077623/0/ofrecen-burro-greta-thunberg-llegar-madrid-cop-25/ Which roughly translated from the Spanish means: They offer a donkey to Greta Thunberg to get to Madrid: "The expenses would be on our side" The generous offer comes from the Association of Neighbours in Toledo. No doubt, little Greta will be delighted to accept […]

Mayor given hybrid car, but council’s 109 other vehicles rely on petrol or diesel

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 9 hours ago
By Paul Homewood h/t Dave Ward A mayor has been handed a brand new hybrid car – but his council’s 109 other vehicles still rely on petrol or diesel. West Norfolk mayor Geoff Hipperson receives his new hybrid BMW. Photo: Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk West Norfolk council mayor Geoff […]

Massacre At Pearl Harbor: Sailor Kills Two Before Turning Gun On Himself

Shelby Talcott at The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Shelby Talcott* *Security, Americas* [image: U.S. Marines prepare for the] 'We are saddened by this incident, & our thoughts & prayers are with the victims & their families,' wrote Rear Adm. Robert Chadwick. Two civilians were killed and a third was injured at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam in Honolulu Wednesday when a U.S. sailor began shooting on base. The shooter, whose name has not been released, then killed himself, according to Rear Adm. Robert Chadwick. The names of the victims have also not been released, although it was confirmed that they were all civilians. The inju... more »

FBI Didn't Tell FISA Court About Steele Dossier Issues: Report

Chuck Ross at The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Chuck Ross* *Politics, Americas* [image: U.S. Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz testifies to a joint hearing of the House Judiciary and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee titled,] The FBI used the dossier to wiretap Trump's campaign, but it was not 'entirely reliable.' The FBI failed to tell surveillance court judges that investigators developed concerns about the reliability of the Steele dossier after interviewing a source for the document, according to a new report. According to The Washington Post, sources familiar with the forthcoming Ju... more »


Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog - 9 hours ago
#NeverTrumper Charlie Sykes wants Democrats to slow the impeachment down Why the rush? Democrats, now in the midst of House Judiciary Committee hearings, seem intent on forcing an impeachment vote before Christmas. But moving too fast risks ignoring new evidence that might emerge, failing to pressure key players to testify and/or turn over records, letting the story’s momentum die over the holidays and playing into Trump’s hands. I'm puzzled by this. Sykes wants Democrats to stretch this process out over a longer period of time because otherwise there's the risk that they'll be "let... more »

Facebook investigating £14,000 worth of secretive anti-Labour attack ads

Ethan Shone at The Overtake [beta] - 9 hours ago
[image: Facebook investigating £14,000 worth of secretive anti-Labour attack ads] The ads appear to have breached Facebook's own rules by not revealing who is spending thousands of pounds on attacking the Labour Party Read full article →

Dem. Rep. Al Green: We Can Impeach Trump 'More Than Once'

Peter Hasson at The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Peter Hasson* *Politics, Americas* [image: Rep. Al Green (D-TX) speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., March 27, 2019. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid] Over and over again... Democratic Texas Rep. Al Green said Thursday that House Democrats could impeach President Donald Trump multiple times. Green said in a C-SPAN interview that a “president can be impeached more than once” and that there is “no limit” to the number of times the House can vote on impeachment. “I think that the Mueller report has some issues in it that ought to be considered. I think the... more »

These 5 Armies Of 2030 Will Redefine Warfare Forever

Robert Farley at The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Robert Farley* *Security, * The best of the best. *Key point:* Future technology will improve the lethality of ground forces. The focus of ground combat operations has shifted dramatically since the end of the Cold War. Relatively few operations now involve the defeat of a technologically and doctrinally similar force, leading to the conquest or liberation of territory. Preparation for these operations remains important, but ground combat branches also have a host of other priorities, some (including counter-insurgency and policing) harkening back to the origins of the modern m... more »

Video Alert: Watch the F-35 Carry out Some Amazing Maneuvers

Mark Episkopos at The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Mark Episkopos* *Technology, Americas* [image: Reuters] Beyond just stealth. *Key point: *The F-35 is made to be highly maneuverable and the Air Force recently proved this point in a series of tests. Recent commentary on the F-35 fifth-generation fighter has centered around its firepower and stealth capabilities, but a recently released demonstration video depicts the fighter jet in a pleasantly different light. A clip from Capt. Capt. Andrew "Dojo" Olson’s instagram page showcases the F-35A Lightning II in a series of dramatic aerial maneuvers, performed at Luke Air Force Base... more »

This 1 Problem Is Keeping The Glock 17 From 'Joining' The Military

Charlie Gao at The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Charlie Gao* *Security, * A safety issue. Key point: The countries that use Glock 17s as standard sidearms are in the minority. Despite the near-ubiquity of the Glock 17 in police forces around the world, surprisingly few nations have adopted the Glock 17 as a standard sidearm for their military forces. On the surface, this may seem surprising: the Glock was first adopted in the early 1980s, at a time when many militaries were replacing their 1940s or 1950s vintage sidearms with modern, high capacity double stack 9mm. But to those familiar with the military acquisition process... more »

Thought Bootcamp Was Hard? Don't Even Think About Joining The Delta Force

Sebastien Roblin at The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, * It's on a whole other level. *Key point: *Only the best of the best make it. Just how much torture is a person willing to undergo to get a prestigious job? Given that an average of 250 resumes are submitted for every job position in the United States, one would assume quite a lot. But there’s writing endless resumes—and then there’s running forty miles at night on an uneven forest trail while lugging a fifty-pound rucksack—with more weight added upon achieving each waypoint. And to even get into the application pool for that particular job, you f... more »

NATO Summit in London: Culmination of disagreement

Anastasia Frank at The Duran - 9 hours ago
“His team just had a jaw dropping on the floor...”, - Trudeau commented on the speech of Trump. More The post NATO Summit in London: Culmination of disagreement appeared first on The Duran.

2:00PM Water Cooler 12/5/2019

Lambert Strether at naked capitalism - 9 hours ago
By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Trade “The WTO’s trade dispute appeal system could end on Dec. 10. Here’s what you need to know.” [WaPo]. “On Dec. 10, the World Trade Organization appeals tribunal, the Appellate Body, won’t have enough members left to rule on trade disputes between countries. That’s a problem, given ongoing trade wars […]

Trump Sends 14,000 Troops For War on Iran. Will it be Enough?

Daniel McAdams at 9 hours ago
So much for getting out of endless wars! President Trump has announced that he is sending 14,000 more US troops to the Middle East and may even send more. The reason is the manufactured "Iran threat" that Trump continues to delude himself over. Neocons are thrilled. So are Saudi Arabia and Israel, who would love nothing more than to have the US fight and die in their wars. But what about America first? Watch today's Liberty Report:

Let’s Invade Mexico!

Fred Reed at 9 hours ago
[image: undefined] I suppose that by now everyone has heard of Trump’s offer to send the American military to “wage WAR on the drug cartels and wipe them off the face of the earth,” which he asserts can be done “quickly and effectively. “ Trump phrased this as an offer to help, not a threat to invade, which is reassuring. AMLO, Mexico’s president, wisely declined the offer. While the President seems to have made the offer in good faith, he has little idea of Mexico, the military, or the cartels. The American military could not come close to wiping them off the face of the earth, muc... more »

#37: Jennifer Fielder on problems federally controlled public lands

IER at IER - 10 hours ago
Jennifer Fielder, CEO of American Lands Council and the incumbent state senator fo Montana’s 7th senate district, joins the show… The post #37: Jennifer Fielder on problems federally controlled public lands appeared first on IER.

Vanderbilt University Names New Chancellor

Jessica Ruf at Diverse - 10 hours ago
Following an eight-month search, Vanderbilt University, one of Nashville’s most prominent institutions, has appointed Dr. Daniel Diermeier as its ninth chancellor. Originally from West Berlin, Germany, Diermeier was a first-generation college student who came to the U.S. to pursue his doctorate in the 1990s. He most recently served as provost at the University of Chicago […]

Stockton University Receives $8 Million from New Jersey Native

Jessica Ruf at Diverse - 10 hours ago
Stockton University (SU) in New Jersey recently received the largest donation in its history at $8 million from telecommunications pioneer John F. Scarpa. Most of the money will support two initiatives: expansion of the school’s academic programming in Atlantic City and of its health sciences program on its mainland campus. In honor of the donation, […]

Syracuse University Increases Security In Response to Racist Incidents

Sara Weissman at Diverse - 10 hours ago
Syracuse University has added security patrols and cameras after a series of more than a dozen racist and anti-Semitic incidents on campus in November, USA Today reported. While police decided the incident didn’t pose a threat to students, the enhanced security followed another “suspicious communication directed to a Syracuse University student organization” reported on Nov. […]

Institutional Inertia: Is Enough Being Done to Protect Children from Aluminum Toxicity?

Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News - 10 hours ago
By the Children’s Health Defense Team Aluminum is the most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust. For most of human history, aluminum was not bioavailable; however, it became so in the late 1880s when chemists developed and patented the smelting process that helped turned the metal into the fixture of modern life—and the omnipresent “ecotoxin”—that […] The post Institutional Inertia: Is Enough Being Done to Protect Children from Aluminum Toxicity? appeared first on Health Nut News.

INTERVIEW: Andre Vltchek on Uprisings in Chile, Colombia and Bolivia

21wire at 21st Century Wire - 10 hours ago
*21WIRE* | Analyzing the new emerging US-led neocolonial strategy to divide and conquer the continent of South America.

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 5, 2019

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
U.S. Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper delivers remarks before ringing the closing NASDAQ bell for Veterans Day in New York, New York, November 11, 2019. DoD/Lisa Ferdinando/Handout via REUTERS/File Photo *Reuters:* *Exclusive: U.S. military completes pullback from northeast Syria, Esper says* WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has completed its military pullback in northeastern Syria, settling into a more stable posture of about 600 troops in the rest of the country after repositioning and reducing forces, Defense Secretary Mark Esper said. Esper’s remarks in an interview wi... more »

Speaker Pelosi Rebukes Reporter: ‘Don’t Mess with Me’

AP News at Snopes.com - 10 hours ago
The question about hating President Trump came as she was leaving her weekly press conference. She stopped and addressed the reporter before returning to the microphone.

Lisa DeVille 'Deny Dakota Access Pipeline Expansion'

Unknown at CENSORED NEWS - 10 hours ago
Lisa DeVille, Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation in North Dakota Letter to the Editor: Deny Dakota Access Pipeline Expansion By Lisa DeVille Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Censored News Dec. 5, 2019 Thank you North Dakota Public Service Commission Chairman Brian Kroshus for respecting the desires of the nearly 20,000 people who requested a hearing on the proposed expansion of the

That’s it for Shaaban Abdel Rahim aka Sha’bola “1957-2019” : More than an act

egyptianchronicler@gmail.com (Zeinobia) at Egyptian Chronicles - 10 hours ago
Earlier Tuesday , famous Egyptian folk pop singer Shaaban Abdel Rahim passed away in a Cairo hospital. The 62-years-old Abdel Rahim was suffering from some kind of lung disease as I have read recently. [image: Late Shaaban Abdel Rahim] Late Shaaban Abdel RahimShaaban Abdel Rahim , commonly known as Sha’bola raised from local fame to international fame when his anti-Israel song “I hate Israel and I love Amre Moussa” in 2000. It was released during the Al-Aqsa Intifada aka the second intifada in Palestine in 2000 and Amre Moussa was Egypt’s foreign minister during then. With simple ... more »

Tucker Carlson Investigates Who Is Behind ‘Vulture’ Hedge Funds that Are Destroying Rural America

Fox News and The Federalist at Need To Know - 10 hours ago
Paul Singer's Elliott Management company has made billions by buying large stakes in American companies, then firing workers, driving up short-term share prices, and then selling out quickly before the companies collapse.

George Zimmerman Is Suing Trayvon Martin’s Family, Their Lawyer, and Florida Prosecutors for $100-Million for Covering Up and Falsifying Evidence in the Famous Shooting Case

Miami Herald at Need To Know - 10 hours ago
George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin in a struggle in 2012. The documentary, The Trayvon Hoax, shows that an impostor was substituted for key witness, Diamond Eugene, who testified against Zimmerman. The false testimony could have led to his imprisonment or execution.

How false ideas become fake science

Peter at Bayou Renaissance Man - 10 hours ago
This is how falsehoods sneak into the allegedly "scientific" arena, and become standards against which reality is measured. You’ve almost certainly heard some of the following terms: cisgender, fat-shaming, heteronormativity, intersectionality, patriarchy, rape culture and whiteness. The reason you’ve heard them is that politically engaged academicians have been developing concepts like these for more than 30 years, and all that time they’ve been percolating. Only recently have they begun to emerge in mainstream culture. These academicians accomplish this by passing off their idea... more »


Amanda-Mary at Healing Oracle - 10 hours ago
A study published yesterday in the Journal of Cancer highlights the dangers of chemical hair dyes and chemical shampoos. It tracked 46,709 women ages 35-74 over eight years. The results are particularly harrowing for black women:... The post A STUDY OF 46,000 WOMEN PROVES HAIR DYES & SHAMPOOS ARE HEAVILY ASSOCIATED WITH CANCER appeared first on Healing Oracle.

If you are Emmanual Macron, can you sleep soundly tonight knowing that you might wake up tomorrow engulfed in a city in Ebola or some other bioloigical warfare agent

Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 10 hours ago
*I ask you to think through the facts that suggest you, right now, are now far more likely to die through biological warfare, through Ebola, than any other cause.* *Any day, history could repeat itself and vaccine material could be contaminated with a deadly virus and sent to different countries.* *This happened in Austria in 2009 when Baxter contaminated 72 kilos of flu vaccine with the birdflu virus in their BSL 3 facilities, and sent it to labs in four countries, meaning it was a deliberate act.* *72 kilos does not sound much, but it may have been enough material to kill a... more »

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